Sep 2011

New Domain Name

The ebeam computer, and thus this website, now has a new domain name:
While the old address should forward for the foreseeable future, you might want to go ahead and update your bookmarks to use the new address.

About those Security or Untrusted Certificate Warnings

Your web browser probably gives you Security or "Untrusted Certificate" warnings when you connect to this webserver. This is a consequence of trying to run a secure server (to protect the intellectual property of our equipment and software vendors), on a wide-open university campus. A better webmaster could no doubt better segregate the secure from the unsecured materials; I've not invested the time, and just have the whole website using HTTPS (secure) protocol. I could spend the $70 a year for a verified security certificate, but, well, I'm cheap and we're poor. So, I'd recommend that in your browser you choose the "Always Trust" the ebeam website. You will not be entering your credit card or any other private information beyond perhaps an e-beam exposure dose, so this doesn't seem like an unsafe option to me. Sorry for the slight annoyance, but I'm a ebeam process guy, not a website guru.