EBeam Computations:
Expose Time Approximation
Given some exposure conditions and information about the pattern and layout,
provides an ESTIMATED write time. See notes below for more details.


EOS Mode:
Beam Current: pA
Shot Pitch: pixels
Dose: μC/cm2
Area Per Die: μm2
Fields Per Die:
# Die in Job:
Field Shift/Multi/Overlap:
Global Alignment Time: secs/wafer
Die Alignment Time: secs/die
Include Load/Unload/Calibrate Time?: (est 20 min/wafer)


This simple estimator calculates only some components of the total machine time needed for a complete exposure. The factors considered are: Other Factors Not Included in this Simple Estimator:
E-Beam Computations, Time Estimate, v1.5

Disclaimer: Although I've checked these computations carefully, I can't guarantee the results are always correct. Please double-check any results, and tell Rick about any problems. Thanks!